The Scorpion Booster Club is a non-profit corporation whose sole purpose is to encourage and support co-curricular and extra-curricular programs at Sedona Red Rock Jr. / Sr. High School.
Booster meetings are typically held on a Wednesday each month, based on schedules. Please email [email protected] to be included in the invite with an agenda and details.
Interested in joining Booster Club? Contact [email protected] to find out more today. We can’t wait to have you!
Fundraising is done through sponsorships, merchandise, concessions, special events and donations.
Support our all new Business Sponsorship Program! Click here for details.
2024-2025 Business Sponsorship Program
$1,000 Platinum Sponsors
$500 Gold Sponsors
Booster Club raises funds and gives back to benefit students and the staff at Red Rock Jr./Sr. High School.
Booster Fund Request Form- click here to download.